Graphic novel news

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Fantagraphics into 2005 

Fantagraphics has a promising line-up scheduled going well into next year. Jaime Hernandez's Locas, due this September, sees Jaime's work getting the Palomar treatment. In December, watch out for Ho Che Anderson's King, a biography of the influential Martin Luthor King, from his childhood in Atlanta through to his assassination in 1968. Heading into 2005, January will see the collection of Volume 1 of Peter Bagge's Hate comics, titled Buddy Does Seattle, satirising the Seattle-based underground music scene of the early 1990s. Then, in February, watch out for The Clouds Up Above by Jordan Crane, an all-ages fantasy story that promises to contain the magic of The Wizard of Oz; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; and Where the Wild Things Are.


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