Iron Wok Jan Volume 1
This epic manga series takes the martial arts genre into the kitchen, swapping fighting for stir fry. While it sounds bizarre, it works like a dream: sample this book and you might just find yourself joining the worldwide army of Iron Wok Jan fans.
Dungeon – Twilight Volume 1: Dragon Cemetery
Set between 1925 and the Second World War, Brownsville takes its name from an area of New York city where some of its characters live, in particular Allie Tanennbaum, a key player in the Jewish organised crime syndicate later dubbed Murder Inc.
Supergirl: Power
Superman: Strange Attractors
Ex Machina 3: Fact v. Fiction
Brian K. Vaughan’s political superhero drama continues apace in this third collection. As Mayor Mitchell Hundred (aka The Great Machine) is called up for jury duty, another superhero takes to the skies of New York; and a few more dark secrets from Hundred’s past are revealed.