Star Wars: Rebellion Volume 1 – My Brother, My Enemy

Are you still keeping up with the number of Star Wars books on the shelves? Good. Here’s another.

Featuring Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Darth Vader, this plotline contains action from between the end of the original Star Wars film (A New Hope – the end of the film is often referred to the Battle of Yavin by those who can keep up with such things) and about nine months later (not quite long enough to make it to The Empire Strikes Back, which is still another couple of fictional years away).

Anyway, as one captured rebel is rescued from the Empire, an Imperial Lieutenant wants to defect. One of them, the back of the book tells us, is the biggest threat to the Rebellion since the Death Star. Of course, it remains slightly absurd that we know what’s going to happen and have done since 1980, but if you want to fill those gaps in your Star Wars knowledge, you know where to come.

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